My original article on Nova Benefit Plans and the IRS’s actions relating to welfare benefit plans it believes are abusive was posted on March 14, 2011. On April 14, 2011, I was contacted by a lawyer representing Dan Carpenter in connection with NOVA Benefit Plans and Benistar. He asked for changes to the article to clarify that all allegations made by the IRS against Nova and others were only allegations, and criminal activity had not been proven in a court of law. Those changes were made immediately to avoid any confusion.
On June 1, 2011, I was again contacted by the attorney representing Daniel Carpenter, this time threatening to sue me if I did not remove the article from my site.
The article in question was not defamatory. It simply discussed the allegations made by the IRS and the potential problems NOVA was facing, and quoted and linked to other articles on Nova and Benestar.
If you wish to research NOVA Benefit Plans LLC of Simsbury, Connecticut, Section 419 of the Internal Revenue Service code, welfare benefit plans accused of being abusive tax shelters, and the criminal investigation of NOVA and the “armed assault” raid of Nova’s Grist Mill offices by the IRS, please visit the sites listed below.
Court Documents:
- Find court documents on the PACER website for a nominal fee – Case No. 10MC00064, U. S. District Court, District of Connecticut
you probably have not been hearing much from Carpenter now that he is in jail and facing an additional indictment.