herbalife-selling-the-american-dreamHerb Greenberg, a stocks commentator for CNBC did a ten-month investigation of multi-level marketing company Herbalife. Its conclusion is this 20 minute documentary, and the timing couldn’t be better. Herbalife has been accused of being a pyramid scheme again, this time by Bill Ackman of Pershing Square.

Despite the fact that CEO Michael Johnson claims he’s never heard of Herbalife being referred to as a scam, there are plenty of people who will tell you different. This documentary is a very, very good piece and well worth the time to watch.

One Comment

  1. Clarice B. Melendez 02/03/2013 at 10:37 pm - Reply

    Despite the fact that CEO Michael Johnson claims he’s never heard of Herbalife being referred to as a scam , there are plenty of people who will tell you different. This documentary is a very, very good piece and well worth the time to watch.

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