lolThompson Burton, a law firm providing services to multi-level marketing companies, provides our comic relief today, along with “The Academy of Multilevel Marketing” (TAMM).

The Academy of Multi-Level Marketing is an organization created by MLM industry supporters to make up some awards to give legitimacy to those involved in the grand scam that is called multilevel marketing, direct sales, network marketing, or other clever names (generally used to disguise the fact that these companies are nothing but endless chain recruiting schemes).

The multi-level marketing industry is no stranger to ruses that make it look legitimate. The Direct Selling Association (DSA) that has held itself out as an MLM industry watchdog. In fact, it is essentially a lobbying organization whose job is to convince lawmakers to keep their scams legal. And so it follows that “TAMM” would give out silly awards to those who perpetuate multi-level marketing scams.

Today Kevin Thompson of Thompson Burton is pleased to announce that it has been given the very prestgious “Support Company of the Year” award. Thompson Burton also won the same award in 2014! This is humorous because one of their attorneys, Kevin Grimes, was sued last year for his part in the Zeek Rewards (Zeekler) pyramid scheme.  He ultimately paid $1.75 million to settle the ZeekRewards claims. Of course, we’re not supposed to breathe a word of this big oops…. let’s instead just talk about what a great attorney Kevin Grimes is!

The website says:

Over his 23 year career as a network marketing attorney, he has represented and advised the proverbial “Who’s Who” of direct selling and multilevel marketing including Herbalife, Shaklee, Tupperware, USANA, Metabolife, MonaVie, and hundreds more.

What about Zeek Rewards? How could we leave that one off the list? After all,the lawsuit against Grimes and the law firm alleges that during the time Grimes was legal counsel to Rex Venture Group and  ZeekRewards (emphasis mine):

By virtue of his knowledge of RVG and ZeekRewards and his legal expertise, Grimes knew or should have known that RVG was perpetrating an unlawful scheme which involved a pyramid scheme, an unregistered investment contract and/or a Ponzi scheme. Despite this knowledge, Grimes actively encouraged investors to participate in the scheme by creating a so-called “compliance” program that provided a false façade of legality and legitimacy and knowingly allowed his name to be used to promote the scheme. Grimes’ improper and negligent actions, which breached his fiduciary duties to RVG and assisted RVG’s Insiders to breach their fiduciary duties, caused significant damage to RVG. As described in detail below, Grimes is liable to RVG both for those damages and the profits he made from RVG.

Such support! And thus, the award from The Academy of Multi-Level Marketing to the Thompson Burton firm.

And I was tickled to find out that Gerry Nehra and his firm Nehra & Waak had been nominated for the Support Company of the Year award by TAMM in 2013. Gerald Nehra was ALSO sued for his part in the ZeekRewards pyramid scheme.The court documents make similar allegations as those against Grimes (emphasis mine):

By virtue of their knowledge of [Zeek operator Rex Venture Group]  and ZeekRewards and their legal expertise, Nehra and Waak knew or should have known that RVG was perpetrating an unlawful scheme which involved a pyramid scheme, an unregistered investment contract and a Ponzi scheme. Despite this knowledge, Nehra and Waak encouraged investors to participate in the scheme by knowingly allowing their names to be used in providing a false façade of legality and legitimacy and gave improper legal advice that allowed the scheme to continue far longer than it would have without the Defendants’ support. Nehra and Waak’s improper and negligent actions, which breached their fiduciary duties to RVG and assisted RVG’s Insiders to breach their fiduciary duties, caused significant damage to RVG.

According to recent court documents, Nehra & Waak are nearing a settlement in that case. Again, such service! Obviously deserving of a sham award!!!

One Comment

  1. Doc Bunkum 01/20/2016 at 8:42 am - Reply

    So, I take it then when Kevin speaks of “TAMM honoring those that exemplify the “gold standards” of the industry”, he’s referring to people like Grimes?

    Speaking of comic relief, I see Lenny snagged the “ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR” award. Conflict of interest you might think? Worth noting also is that we’re here in 2016 already. The nominees for 2015 haven’t been announced yet. The last post on the TAMM Facebook page is May 3, 2015. Surely Lenny didn’t take his coveted award and run?

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