• Government investigations of white collar crimes almost always have one thing in common: They rely heavily on the analysis of financial information. Often, this includes combing through bank statements and credit card statements, as well as scrutinizing accounting records. Some […]

  • One of the most common documents utilized in a financial investigation is the income tax return. It’s a key document in any divorce case, so the personal income tax return is always examined. And if there is a business, the […]

  • Are you more likely to be selected by the IRS for a tax audit if you file an extension for your income tax return?

  • While consumers generally hate income tax returns because of their complexity, they can be invaluable sources of information in divorce proceedings. Not only do they provide insight into prior years’ earnings, they can also point to assets and sources of […]

  • How to terrify just about anyone: Tell them their taxes are being audited. Even worse: When their books and records are a mess. (Or maybe even non-existent.) Every number could be scrutinized. That means documentation must be produced to support […]

  • It is common for divorcing spouses to cash out retirement funds at divorce time. And it seems to make sense at the time. There are expensive lawyers and all sorts of expenses to establish a new residence. Support payments may […]

  • When the Internal Revenue Services suspects that a taxpayer has unreported income, the agents can use one of several methods to uncover that income. These methods can also be used to help calculate hidden income in a divorce or child […]

  • Income tax returns are an important piece of financial information in a divorce or child support case. There is so much information that can be obtained from the tax returns, and if we have several years of data, we can […]

  • Taxes: You’re guilty until you prove yourself innocent. That’s the way it works with the Internal Revenue Service. You have to be able to prove the numbers on your income tax return. If you can’t, the IRS auditor will pick […]

  • When one or both spouses have an ownership interest in a business, it is critical to get both income tax returns and financial statements for the entity. It is impossible to fairly evaluate the business and the income from it […]