Winning a case against an auditing firm when there is a sizeable fraud (such as the Koss Corp. embezzlement) or the collapse of a Ponzi scheme (such as the Bernie Madoff case) is not easy. Simply because there is a […]
When companies have big problems, they usually bring out the big guns. The benefits of using large law firms, audit firms, and other professional service firms are undeniable. These firms offer a depth of experience that is invaluable, and they […]
It might be hard to believe, but each and every day companies are losing money because they not only give employees opportunities to steal, they encourage it. How? By not providing adequate oversight. A clerk, for example, sees that an […]
You are only an expert if the judge says you’re an expert. No matter how many times you may have testified in court as an expert witness, each time you must prove all over again that you’re qualified to provide […]
Everyone is asking about cryptocurrency and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) in divorce. More and more people are investing in and using cryptocurrency, and it could be an important asset that needs to be accounted for during the divorce. In some cases, […]
Tracy talks about how experts use estimates when they calculate economic damages. Are you speculating or guessing? Or do you have a reasonable basis for your numbers?
Fraud Files Blogfahad2024-02-10T06:25:19-06:00
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