• Bank statements can be incredibly useful when searching for hidden income during a divorce financial analysis. Both deposits and expenditures should be evaluated, and the process is explained in this video.

  • The most interesting cases I work are criminal cases for defendants accused of financial crimes such as money laundering, tax fraud, bribery and corruption, embezzlement, and investment fraud. I do my best work as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator […]

  • Are you a testifying expert or a consulting expert in a litigation matter? Is there a difference in how you should maintain your file based on your designation? Tracy Coenen gives her advice.

  • It is sometimes difficult to determine the income of individuals who will be paying child support or spousal support. This can often be the case when dealing with self-employed individuals. If the reports of income made by the spouse or […]

  • In commercial litigation, many cases require some kind of expert. Whether it is a financial expert, an engineering expert, a fraud expert, a valuation expert, or some other type of expert witness, the process of selecting one cannot be taking […]

  • The financial part of a complex case can become overwhelming quickly. Particularly in cases involving white collar crime, securities fraud, Ponzi schemes, or other fraud recoveries, the trail of financial documentation is often very long. A forensic accountant needs to […]