Commerce – Newsletter of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
By Margaret Kealty

Do you think you’ve been cheated or ripped off? Before you go sprinting off to Judge Judy, you may want to give Tracy Coenen a call. Coenen, a forensic CPA, works with the insurance and legal industries on investigative accounting and litigation support.

In lay terms, Coenen calculates losses in insurance policies or lawsuits. She also helps attorneys with contract litigation and business problems involving money, whether it be theft, fraud or disputes between employers and employees.

“People think what I do is really confusing, but on the contrary, it’s really quite easy to understand,” said Coenen.

With five years accounting and forensic experience behind her, Coenen began her own business about two years ago. “The experience I’ve gained working in the specialty areas of litigation and fraud have helped me develop special skills,” said Coenen, “skills that most CPAs don’t have.”

Coenen’s market is mainly insurance companies and law firms, most of which she recruits through networking – which is one reason she joined the MMAC.

Coenen has conducted seminars on detecting employee fraud, utilizing financial experts in litigation, and calculating lost profits under business insurance policies. Coenen currently teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in accounting, economics, and business management at Concordia University of WI.

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Commentary on fraud, scams, scandals, and court cases.