On Friday, Ben Glisan, Enron’s former Treasurer was released from home confinement. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but was released from prison and put under home confinement in September. He has served about 2/3 of his original sentence for his guilty plea to charges of conspiracy to commit wire and securities fraud.

Initially, Glisan did not cooperate with prosecutors in the Enron case, but he later became a government witness against Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.

Glisan was the first Enron executive to go to prison, and is the first to be released from serving time.

One Comment

  1. Doug 01/03/2024 at 12:36 am - Reply

    I was his cellie in FCI Bastrop. He was interesting. He said he didn’t cooperate but he obviously did. He was very nervous while he was there. My name is Doug Brown. I was there for 33 months from Oct 31st 2001 til Feb 2004.

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