Judd Bagley, cyberstalker at Overstock.comJudd Bagley, Director of Communications at Overstock.com and loyal sidekick of wacky CEO Patrick Byrne, is threatening to “expose” BloggingStocks blogger Zac Bissonette on his antisocialmedia website. Judd maintains the website to scare people who dare ask questions about or criticize Overstock.

Why is Zac his latest victim of threats? He and a fellow blogger started Hedge Funnies, a blog that makes fun of the antics on Wall Street. Zac is a fantastic blogger, by the way, and does a great job of exposing some of the dirt on public companies. And he’s only a teenager. Yes, that’s impressive!

Judd Bagley and Patrick Byrne have a vested interest in shutting up critics of Overstock, and apparently, they have no sense of humor either. Following a few posts on Hedge Funnies that had many of us rolling on the floor, Judd threatened Zac with an expose on his antisocialmedia site:

Ed Bankey, 35/Male
3-Aug-07 04:46 am

You’re a real little self-promoter, aren’t you, Zac?


You’re also the subject of the next installment of AntiSocialMedia.net.

And no, you don’t get to borrow my car this weekend. Now get back in school.

Ed Bankey, 35/Male

What? That says Edward Bankey, not Judd Bagley! Right. Judd is a master sock puppeter too and that is one of his aliases.

Thankfully, Zac and company aren’t taking this lying down. From a post on their blog:

Even though Hedge Funnies has received less traffic than most websites, we’d like to thank Overstock’s Judd Bagley for turning us into celebrities. As my partner Zac recently covered, Judd is pursuing an expose on Zac for his website, Antisocialmedia.net.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Mr. Bagley, he’s basically Overstock’s spy. The fact that he posts message board threats at 4:46 AM should raise some suspicions for the SEC, I’d think. More importantly, however, I’d like to spend this post discussing the operative’s message.

The executives of Overstock are quite accurately described on Hedge Funnies: a disgrace.

One Comment

  1. Scipio 08/03/2007 at 4:18 pm - Reply

    Just in case anyone is not convinced that Judd Bagley is behind the “edwardbankey” id, he admitted it as I describe here:


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