Michael Good at Goode Value Investing did a review of my book Essentials of Corporate Fraud, but I didn’t realize it until tonight!

I admit it – I want everyone to love my book. But everyone won’t. Michael is a great example… his knowledge is way beyond that of the target market for my book. The key to enjoying Essentials of Corporate Fraud is being a beginner when it comes to fraud. The book is geared toward executives, attorneys, auditors, and consultants who are newly encountering the topic of fraud.

How could someone be a high-level executive and not be familiar with fraud? You’d be surprised! The fact is that many executives are so focused on sales numbers and the bottom line, that fraud really isn’t a priority or something they think about a lot. Until a fraud comes along or the auditors make some very serious statements about fraud risks in the company.

Then the executive is scrambling to learn something about fraud, and that’s where my book comes in. It’s meant to give a nice overview about the fraud problem, who’s committing fraud, some common ways it’s committed, and some ideas about preventing and detecting fraud.

Here’s a snippet of what Michael had to say:

Despite not being wowed by the book, I found it to be a solid introduction to fraud. It was easily readable, not repetitive (unlike most books geared towards management), and it got me thinking. This book made me reconsider certain ways that my small company operated. Since reading it I have made changes to reduce the risk of fraud. For a book such as this, the best complement is to say that it was useful, and this book was a useful read for me.

If you’ve already got a good understanding of fraud, have researched the subject, or have dealt directly with a fraud problem, you probably already know more than the book will tell you.

I do appreciate Michael’s honesty. Mostly because I don’t want people to buy the book if they already know the information that’s in it. They’ll just be disappointed. But I do hope that people will think about their clients and associates who may not know much about fraud… they’re the perfect readers of my book.

One Comment

  1. Brian Oates 03/31/2008 at 4:17 pm - Reply

    Blog Carnival: Business Books – March 31, 2008…

    Welcome to the March 31, 2008 edition of business books.
    Anya Portnik presents Motivational speaker Gavin Ingham interviews goal setting expert Andy Smith (Andy is the author of Achieve Your Goals: Strategies to Transform Your Life) posted at Gavin Ing…

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