I’ve been writing quite a bit for WalletPop these days. I love that gig!

One bright spot on the horizon for air travelers? – A new configuration for seats in coach that gives the illusion of much more room, and more actual comfort for passengers.

Travel insurance would have paid off: A cautionary tale – Don’t blame the cruise ship for exercising caution with regard to your child’s health!

Planning for $7 a gallon gas – It may or may not come to pass, but you can start planning your life now with that possibility in mind.

Consumers defrauded by telemarketers can file claims – Wachovia Bank has agreed to a settlement in the case in which it allowed fraudulent telemarketers to use their banking system to steal money from consumers’ bank accounts.

Will your tax rebate check be ‘found money’ to you? – What will you do with your check? Be responsible and save it or strategically pay down some debt? Or will you run out and spend it just because you can?

One more responsibility for schools– Schools are doing more parenting than lots of parents these days. New thing to add to the list: Teach kids about money.

Smoking (and lying about it) could cost you your job – If you lie about smoking on your health insurance forms at work, you should pay the price.

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Commentary on fraud, scams, scandals, and court cases.