Have I ever mentioned how sick of headhunters I am? Well I am. I don’t want their phone calls. I don’t want their emails. I don’t want the crappy job they’re offering, and I don’t know anyone who is qualified to apply for the crappy job they’re offering. It’s not crappy, they say? I don’t care. I don’t want to discuss it.

I know you didn’t “get my name from someone while networking.” That lie is old. Quit using it. I know you found me in a CPA directory or on the internet. When you lie, I hate you even more. So can we stop the charade?

What must I do to get headhunters to quit contacting me? Any suggestions are deeply appreciated.

One Comment

  1. A.J. Stallones 05/13/2008 at 8:34 am - Reply

    Head Hunters can be quite the annoyance. Unfortunately I don’t know if there is any way around them contacting you (apart from removing your name from the directories that they scan.)

    They’re kind of like tele-marketers, but without a “do not call list.”

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