A few of my masterpieces from this past week included…

Are you lying to yourself about money? – Quit making excuses to spend money. You don’t have to lie about needing it. You don’t have to make up a reason to “treat” yourself.

Traditional real estate agent services going out of style? – You can save a ton of money with an a-la-carte brokerage. And still get the same level of service!

Jails are on budgets too! – No dessert or extra toilet paper for the inmates. As it should be.

What are you really getting with those ‘legal insurance’ plans? – PrePaid Legal is a waste of money!

The key to a successful financial fraud: Believability – Einstein tries to commit bank fraud with a check for $360 billion.

Still no recession for America! – Don’t believe the media lies. We’re not in a recession. No matter how the politicians want to redefine the word.

Consumers changing spending habits: No big deal – Spoiled Americans have plenty of room for belt-tightening.

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Commentary on fraud, scams, scandals, and court cases.