It’s no secret that the Left is busy misrepresenting Sarah Palin and spreading vicious lies about her family. The latest is a video of Sarah Palin speaking at her church in Wassilla. Yes, her family’s church.The church at which she was baptized and her children were baptized.
She’s being made out to be a religious fanatic because she gave this speech at her church. What has our country come to when people make fun of someone for speaking about her faith in front of her own church?
And the Left wouldn’t let an opportunity to mischaracterize her pass them by! The “big scandal” related to this is that Palin supposedly said that the Iraq war is God’s plan.
No, that’s not what she said. Here’s what she really said:
“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right also for this country. That our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That is what we have to make sure that we’re praying for. That there is a plan, and that that plan is God’s plan. So bless them with your prayers, your prayers of protection over our soldiers.”
Translation for those on the Left who are so deranged thay they can no longer interpret the English language: Sarah Palin is praying for God’s guidance. She is asking everyone to pray that whatever the leaders of our country do, that they are led by God and his plan.
So no, she wasn’t saying that the Iraq war is God’s plan. She is saying that we should pray for our leaders to be led by God, whatever his plan may be.
One thing I have learned working to organize inventors over the last twenty years is that people of broadly varying political and religious views can work together. I have also learned that people’s ethics have little to do with their religious or political leanings. Every group has good and bad people.
I have been lobbying Congress about inventor issues for over a decade. I am not a lobbyist, just a person who has strong convictions.
As a young man I hated politics, but as I aged I came to the conclusion that like so many things the system is the best we have for now. The political process is inherently corrosive. But if we do not speak up and sit on the sidelines then we have no one to blame except ourselves for a poor outcome.
It is not the big things we do which makes the world a better place. It is little things done hour by hour and day by day. That is how we leave our mark.
Ronald J. Riley,
Speaking only on my own behalf.
President – – RJR at
Executive Director – – RJR at
Senior Fellow –
President – Alliance for American Innovation
Caretaker of Intellectual Property Creators on behalf of deceased founder Paul Heckel
Washington, DC
Direct (202) 318-1595 – 9 am to 9 pm EST.
I hope you saw this, it made me LOL:
I have just fallen hopelessly and eternally in love with Howie Carr.
I have been on her facebook account and have asked this same question numerous times and cabn’t get an answer. So, here goes. What does the ex-governor, Sarah Palin, know about the HAARP facility just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska?
“So no, she wasn’t saying that the Iraq war is God’s plan. She is saying that we should pray for our leaders to be led by God, whatever his plan may be.”
Some “God”. Some “plan”.
When I scrolled down to your quote of Sarah, I expected to see something completely different than, “…the Iraq war is God’s plan.” What I got was, “That there is a plan, and that that plan is God’s plan.”
I think we’re down to splitting hairs at this point.