For the Journal of Accountancy’s “Smart Stops on the Web” column:


Who knows fraud better than a fraudster? Sam E. Antar, former Crazy Eddie Inc. CFO and convicted felon, shares his views and advice on white collar crime, securities fraud, internal controls, Sarbanes-Oxley and more on his blog. The introduction states, “The well-educated, skilled, and experienced accountant is the first line of defense for the capitalist system.” And, toward that end, Antar points out inconsistencies in companies, organizations and governments, offers how-tos on detecting fraud, and muses on wrongdoings. You can browse by the most popular posts, learn more about the Crazy Eddie fraud scheme, check out fraud facts, and find related blogs in his list of links.

One Comment

  1. Robbin 01/17/2009 at 2:34 pm - Reply

    “The well-educated, skilled, and experienced accountant is the first line of defense for the capitalist system.”

    This quote says it all. Unfortunately, many CPAs are just as crooked as the crooks they audit and prepare taxes for. It takes a tremendous level of effort to resist the temptation of wealth and stature that comes with crookedness, and the accountant who can overcome will be a shining star.

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