I wrote last week about my opinion of the fraud that is our federal government’s stimulus programs. Our government has a vested interest in making us think these programs are successful. How else can an agenda of “wealth redistribution” and socialism be promoted? They must have “success” on their side to justify continuing on this destructive path.
And now more news reports are coming out about how phony the stimulus “success” numbers are…
The Southwest Georgia Community Action Council reported that they saved 935 jobs, but they’ve only got 508 employees
The Administration for Children and Families at Health and Human Services claimed it saved 14,506 jobs, except that’s not true. 9,300 of those jobs weren’t “saved.” Rather, those employees got raises and additional benefits.
Even worse is the idiotic explanation why those 9,300 jobs can be considered “saved.” In the words of another blogger:
HHS spokesman Luis Rosero defended the practice of counting raises as jobs saved, explaining that “If I give you a raise, it is going to save a portion of your job.”
Now I have spent the last three hours reading that statement over and over again to try to figure out what that could possibly mean — I even translated it into Latin, which was difficult because it required a subjunctive. But let’s try to parse it a little bit: What is a “portion of a job” and how does a “raise” help to “save” that “portion”. This is one of those inexplicable statements that completely stumps me.
Then there’s the North Chicago school district. They say they saved the jobs of 473 teachers with the $4.7 million tehy got. The problem is that the district only has 290 teachers. And in the same news story, other Illinois school jobs “saved” are outed as complete fiction:
In the official report, Wilmette Public Schools District 39 was credited with 166 jobs saved by stimulus aid. Superintendent Raymond Lechner said the number should be zero.
At Dolton-Riverdale School District 148, stimulus funds were said to have saved the equivalent of 382 full-time teaching jobs — 142 more than the district actually has.
A similar discrepancy was found in data for Kankakee School District 111, where the stimulus report logged the equivalent of 665 full-time jobs saved. “That’s impossible,” a top Kankakee school official said, adding that the entire payroll — full and part time — is 600 workers.
Of course there are also reports of jobs that were saved in other districts that weren’t reported at all, which would mean that the numbers are underreported for them.
The bottom line is that no one is able to give accurate figures on the jobs “saved” with stimulus funds. Which is another reason why our government should not be taking money away from hard working taxpayers and pretending to use it to “save jobs.” They can’t do so efficiently, and they can’t even report their activities accurately. Government, please get out of our lives.