This interesting information was posted on a Canadian discussion board where the members were talking about United First Financial. As you saw here, some of the top people in UFF see that the company is going under, and are looking for a way to take this horrible software to a new company, and leave all the dead weight agents behind.

Too bad users aren’t actually using the software anymore, according to the below.

A little more info: There have been approximately 30,500 Money Merge Accounts sold. UFirst recorded the unique users who logged into their version 3 and version 4 MMA accounts from January through April of this year. Here are their findings:

Jan 953
Feb 896
Mar 891
Apr 787

Jan 7534
Feb 7328
Mar 7401
Apr 6968

Though sales are slowly increasing by approximately 200 per month, logins are declining by about 188 per month. Assuming new clients at least login during their first month, that means approximately 400 people are abandoning the MMA, every month.

In April, when UFirst had approximately 30,000 paid or paying MMA customers, there were only 7755 unique logins. That’s only 26% of their clients. There is one inescapable fact to extract from this:

Almost 75% of MMA users have abandoned the product.

Please don’t waste your $3,500 on this useless software.


  1. Craig Hansen 07/21/2010 at 3:44 pm - Reply

    The funny thing is, the internal email to the UFirst leaders summarized the findings by saying that, “In summary, about 1/3 of the people still use the product.”


    Never mind mortgage calculations or “Factorial Math”, UFirst can’t even get basic division correct.

    Agents, go ahead and ask the company what percentage of users are still on the MMA, approximately 2 years later (give or take). See if they are willing to give an answer at all.

  2. […] Files – UFirst Sinking? Told You So, Time and Time Again. Scammy MLMs don’t […]

  3. […] Recently, the cat has been let out of the bag that UFirst Financial, the company selling the worthless “Money Merge Account” software via a multi-level marketing business model is on its last legs.  Top members of the salesforce are plotting how to oust other sales people and keep the profits for themselves. The numbers show that about 75% of MMA’s users have stopped using the software. […]

  4. Calvin 08/10/2010 at 2:18 pm - Reply

    it’d be interesting to see why the 75% aren’t logging in anymore. remember, you can’t just change to a new mortgage at the drop of a hat, you have to pay them more money for this piece of crap…er, I mean software. Given the lack of financial intelligence that surrounds this product, I would be willing to bet many of the people that bought the software are also in the category that bought houses they couldn’t afford and lost them (despite being ahead on their mortgage). kinda hard to payoff a house you don’t have anymore.

  5. Sandy 08/10/2010 at 2:33 pm - Reply

    I’m one of the 75% that quit using it after a couple months. It has nothing to do with having a house I can’t afford … it has everything to do with the fact that the software is junk.

  6. Craig Hansen 08/10/2010 at 5:22 pm - Reply

    Having used the demo Money Merge Account software, I can confirm it is junk. From a usability standpoint, it is awkward, slow, and tedious. From a financial standpoint, blogger JoeTaxpayer proved that it proposes money movements that are inefficient. The other point not often discussed, is that it doesn’t even have a print function, so you can’t log your sessions without third-party software. I don’t know if that’s because UFirst doesn’t want clients logging what the MMA suggests, or because their programmers weren’t savvy enough to include that simple function.

    In short, yes, the MMA is junk.

  7. Sandy 08/10/2010 at 8:27 pm - Reply

    Regarding the print function … it’s against the contract to print or save anything from the program, under their “Restrictions” paragraph. You may not “download or save a copy of any of the screens appearing in the Program or UFirst’s website for any purpose.” So to keep a screenshot to prove that the program is not functioning correctly is a breach of contract.

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