Advocare: We Build Champions – AdvoCare is a premier health and wellness company offering more than 70 exclusive nutritional and skincare products and a business opportunity that empowers individuals to explore their ultimate potential.

On May 17, 2019, AdvoCare announce that it would discontinue its multi-level (MLM) business model and move to single level as of July 17, 2019. This means no more recruiting and no more commissions on downlines. There will be sales of products to distributors and preferred customers only, with the company reporting that they purchase products from the company at 20% to 40% off suggested retail prices. In October 2019, Advocare and the FTC entered into a settlement agreement barring the company from participating in multi-level marketing activities.

If you have any income disclosure statements to add to the above, please send them to the email address on my Contact page.

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