Earlier this year I wrote about being a part of the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Trading Challenge. I signed up in March, and have been learning Tim’s core strategy (shorting penny stock pump and dumps) as well as other strategies (he and his instructors also teach other ways to trade, so students don’t have to rely solely on trading penny stocks).

There is a lot of material to get through, and it can be overwhelming at first. Where do students start? Here are my recommendations:

  1. This “syllabus” outlines what is on each of the DVDs. It is very helpful if you are looking for specific information.
  2. One of Tim’s students put together this checklist, which summarizes Tim’s trading strategy and the most important chart patterns. Keep this handy.
  3. Start first with the DVD Pennystocking Part Deux. This will give you an better idea of the trading strategy overall.
  4. Then watch Tim Fundamentals #2. This is a solid basis as well.
  5. Watch ALL of the video lessons. Try to keep up on the daily ones Tim puts out. Also go back and watch all of the old ones. These pages list some of the best video lessons to watch, so you might start there:

Finally, start participating in the weekly webinars right away. You won’t understand what’s going on at first, and that’s okay. Just listen and you will catch on.


  1. J 08/28/2013 at 11:45 am - Reply

    Hi Tracy,

    I’ve recently joined TIm’s Challenge (3weeks ago). I’ve read both of your posts re: Tim’s Challenge. Then are excellent, thx. Look me up in the chat so we can discuss the lessons etc. I’ve tried to find you in the chat, but I don’t know your handle? Look me up Gesus_J


  2. murhy 08/30/2013 at 7:21 am - Reply

    Hi Tracy,
    Im planning to join Tim’s challenge course. Can u please share ur experience so far ?

    • Maggie 08/30/2013 at 9:36 pm - Reply


      I am about to join. Please share your experience both good and bad. Thank you in advance.

      • Murhy 09/02/2013 at 1:47 pm - Reply

        I have just joined n yet to get materials. Will share once I get my hands into it.

  3. Maggie 08/30/2013 at 9:41 pm - Reply


    You have now been in it for a few months. Have yous started trading ? How is it going for you please share. I am about to join and like with every new challenge there are those fears. Please share with me your experience this far.

    Thank you in advance.

  4. […] Grittani, a student in the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Trading Challenge, hit the $1 million profit mark a few weeks […]

  5. Chris 01/29/2014 at 8:44 pm - Reply


    The links to the syllabus and the checklist are not working. Would you be able to repost them or email them to me? I’m going through Pennystocking Part Deux right now.


  6. […] Tracey Coenen wrote this and this. […]

  7. Rotherhilde 02/23/2020 at 12:03 pm - Reply

    Perhaps too modest to mention it herself, Tracy has authored a publication called Taxes for
    Traders describing tax advantages available to full time traders whose frequency of trading
    qualifies them for Trader Tax Status and certain privileges such as exemption from the 30-day
    wash sale rule and the $3,000 annual limitation on the deduction of capital gain losses from
    ordinary income. Although Robert A. Green has a book on this topic in conventional book format,
    Tracy’s is in the form of a DVD, in Tim’s style. It is currently available at a 50% discount at


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