Tim Grittani, a student in the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Trading Challenge, hit the $1 million profit mark a few weeks ago.

Grittani graduated with a finance degree from Marquette University, my alma mater (and the university at which I am now teaching Fraud Examination to graduate students), and started trading penny stocks with $1,500.  In less than three years, Grittani turned his $1,500 into more than $1 million.

See Sykes and Grittani appearing on Fox & Friends today:


  1. Tim 01/21/2014 at 1:14 pm - Reply

    Wouldnt mind seeing the total amount of people that took his challenge and how much have actually profited/lost…..overall i bet the numbers are on the negative side.

    • Tracy Coenen 01/22/2014 at 6:12 pm - Reply

      I agree that those numbers could be interesting, but there are going to be several problems with the data:

      a. All students do NOT report their trades, or only report some of them. Therefore, it would be impossible to get a complete data set.
      b. The profit or loss from trading alone would not tell the whole story. Did the student utilize the study materials? Did the student trade according to the program set forth?

      I suspect that many who lose did not study properly and did not trade in line with the rules or guidelines. That’s not Tim’s fault.

  2. Ralph Taylor 03/20/2014 at 12:05 pm - Reply

    According to the videos, Grittani lives in Chicago. What Marquette School are you an alumnus of and where is it? I found a Marquette Elementary, but no high school.

    • Tracy Coenen 03/20/2014 at 5:03 pm - Reply

      Marquette University, the exact school I mention in this article.

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