Cary Spivak, investigative reporter at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, joined Elite Protection Specialists earlier this year. While he is still employed with the newspaper full time, he is working as a private investigator part time and building his client base. Spivak is doing background investigations, and a press release from the company notes the importance of doing them:

Unfortunately, many people who ask for your trust are not trustworthy.  Everyday we all see media reports about employees, teachers, caregivers and others abusing the trust they were given. These “trusted employees” are caught stealing or committing worse offenses.  Often it turns that unsuspecting employers unwittingly hired people who had criminal records or a history of problems.

Spivak is a respected colleague, and I have seen him be fair and thorough time and time again. He has mentioned me a number of times in his articles. I would highly recommend Cary Spivak and Elite Protection Specialists if you are in need of a private investigator!

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