jennifer-mckinney-xyngularRemember our favorite serial scammer, MckMama?  Well, the infamous Jennifer McKinney is back and is scamming the sheeple again. (Who am I kidding? She never STOPPED scamming businesses and consumers.)

We’ve talked here at length about Jennifer and Israel McKinney’s unsuccessful attempt at defrauding the bankruptcy court. Of course the McKinneys have scammed many creditors over the years, losing FOUR houses along the way. We have also talked about Xyngular, the multilevel marketing company that MckMama shills for.

And it just so happens that the latest scam involves Xyngular.

On July 30 she announced the giveaway of a “free weekend vacation for two to anywhere in the continental United States.) People could get their names entered multiple times in the drawing… which was supposed to be “randomly” drawn. However, Jennifer McKinney appears to have chosen her winner ahead of time as you will see below.

Here is the announcement (click to see full size):

contest announcement mckinney

Here is a promotion of the drawing:

contest promotion mckmamaThen MckMama goes into the ruse of pretending to have a random drawing. She says everyone’s name has been written on paper, and shows a photo of each page:

names for drawing

Then all the pages are cut into individual slips and folded for the “drawing”:

names for drawing 2 names for drawing 3 Jennifer McKinney then posts a video purporting to be a random drawing. The video is below. Click on the arrows in the bottom right corner to make the video full size so you can see exactly what happens. What you will notice is that Israel McKinney is mixing up the slips of paper. His right hand is open, while his left hand is awkwardly closed except for his thumb and pointer finger. This is because he has the pre-selected winning slip tucked under his ring finger.

Notice that as he pulls his hand away from the pile, there is no slip between his thumb and first finger, even though he is supposedly “drawing the winner.” The winning slip is actually tucked under his ring finger and you can see him work it toward his thumb and first finger. There it is… a tightly folded slip of paper, even though all the slips in the pile are loosely folded.  For a better look at how this scam was played out, we have a step-by-step outline below, courtesy of our friends at MckFacts.

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Click the photo below to see it full size and get a better view of the MckMama fraud.

mckmama drawingAnd there you have it. Claudia Boze is the winner…. since that is who Jennifer McKinney chose prior to the drawing. Jennifer lies, but the video sure doesn’t!


  1. Pretty Feet 08/03/2015 at 1:31 pm - Reply

    Thanks Tracey and DDD.

    I’d have more respect for Jennifer Howe Sauls McKinney if she were robbing liquor stores. At least then she would have to be honest about being a scumbag, slime-ball, societal leech waste of DNA.

    Instead she prances around (as much as she is able to prance, cough cough) pretending to be respectable! and successful! and above board! and popular! and not fat! and happily married! and a good mom! and a good Christian! and an amazing photographer!* and super duper smart!

    *an amazing photographer who just happened to shoot the above video in the dark because we all know it’s a sin to turn up the lights when UFC is on the television they never watch. Too bad it wasn’t dark enough, Jennifer Howe Sals McKinney!

  2. Pretty Feet 08/03/2015 at 1:32 pm - Reply

    My apologies, TRACY, not Tracey.

  3. Tedra 08/03/2015 at 1:32 pm - Reply

    And Claudia just so happened to be one of the people who participated in Jennifer’s goat fundraiser ( the likes of which she is STILL ) holding on to the funds raised from that scam. Jennifer never awards anything to anyone unless they have first done something to benefit her.

    These two, Jennifer and Israel, will never ever stop scamming the public. They are despicable. Both of them.

  4. Tracy Coenen 08/03/2015 at 4:01 pm - Reply

    I assumed that the video was shot in such low lighting so that it would be harder to see Israel’s sleight of hand, He should have practiced more!

  5. Carol 08/03/2015 at 5:47 pm - Reply

    Those people who had multiple entries with a line/arrow drawn down the page wouldn’t have had much of a chance of winning once she cut them into strips, and there was just a vertical line on their slip. Genius!

    Oh wait, they didn’t have a chance in hell anyway.

  6. closet mckfacts reader 08/12/2015 at 9:46 am - Reply

    what happened to mckfacts? the website seems to be down.

  7. Gotcha Fesure 08/12/2015 at 11:31 am - Reply

    Anyone know what has happened to the MckFacts site? Seems to be down.

  8. Gayle 08/12/2015 at 3:12 pm - Reply

    Hi, has anyone been able to access MckFacts today? I can’t at all.

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