The second edition of Lifestyle Analysis in Divorce Cases: Investigating Spending and Finding Hidden Income and Assets, published by the American Bar Association, is available now for pre-order.

The first edition of the book (published in 2015) was such a hit that the ABA asked me to do a second edition. I have updated the material from the original book, and have added about 25% new material. The new material includes more case examples, information on the new tax law that took effect for 2018, and further development of topics.

Some of my favorite new material includes:

  • A walk-through of the new IRS Form 1040 and Schedule 1 for 2018. The format changed significantly from 2017.
  • Tips for managing the financial aspects of divorce. What can the attorney tell the client to do right away to make sure he or she is protected financially while going through the process of divorce?
  • Information from a private investigator on how to investigate people and how to search for assets.
  • A list of questions that may be used during direct examination of a financial expert to establish his or her qualifications, understand the work done and the methodology used, and evaluate the conclusions reached.

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