David Bagley v. Ryan Gajevic and The Tap Room, LLC
Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Circuit Court Access:

Case Filed 7/23/21

Summons and Complaint

Case Dismissed 5/26/23 after settlement

Case History

From the complaint:

  • Upon information and belief, Bagley sought to review and be involved in the operation of the Business and to be fully information of financial affairs of the Business. Gajevic failed to provide full disclosure of the financial affairs of the Business.
  • Upon information and belief, not all income and assets of the Business have been disclosed to Bagley by Gajevic.
  • Upon information and belief; substantial assets of the Business have been diverted for the personal gain and benefit of Gajevic, others in his family or others working with him, all to the detriment of Bagley.
  • Upon information and belief; Gajevic has engaged in conduct which breaches his duty of loyalty. Said conduct includes, but is not limited to, engaging in self-enrichment, putting his own interests and those of his relatives and others working with him over the Business and all members of the Corporation and failed to deal fairly with the members.
  • As a result of the aforedescribed conduct of Gajevic, including his taking assets of the Business for his own use and exclusive enjoyment and enrichment, he has illegally, inappropriately engaged in unjust enrichment, all to the damage of Bagley.
  • Gajevic has breached the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing with Bagley. He has failed to make an appropriate, full and honest disclosure of income, assets and debts of the Business. Gajevic used Business funds for his own self-interest and the self-interests of others to the exclusion of Bagley. Gajevic has failed to disclose all income of the Business and has failed to provide true and accurate Business records to Bagley.

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