• White collar crime cases tend to focus on the flow of money. Government investigators analyze the finances of a company or individual to determine where money came from and where it went. It is this trail of money that leads […]

  • If you’re new to the world of forensic accounting (also called investigative accounting), this video will give you an idea of the types of cases a forensic accountant might work on. There is quite a variety in the work, but […]

  • When doing a lifestyle analysis for a divorce or child support case and evaluating historical spending, we sometimes run into unusual expenses that may be considered one-time (or non-recurring). What do we do with these? Expenses that are not expected […]

  • Cases of financial fraud often focus on the core issue of where the money went. Successfully carrying out a fraud scheme involves not only taking the money, but covering up the fraud and hiding the money trail.  But skilled financial […]

  • In this short video, Tracy talks about some of the services a forensic accountant could provide in a bankruptcy case. These services could include: Tracing of funds through bank accounts Looking for hidden income and assets Evaluating expenditures to determine […]

  • Why specialize when you’re a forensic accountant? Forensic accounting is already a specialty within the broader field of accounting, so some people never consider that you can narrow down your practice even more. We focus on investigating numbers, but that […]

  • When the IRS believes a taxpayer has unreported income, they will use alternative methods to attempt to determine the true income. One of those methods is the Expenditures Method. Tracy Coenen explains the basic methodology in this video. Note that […]

  • Taxes: You’re guilty until you prove yourself innocent. That’s the way it works with the Internal Revenue Service. You have to be able to prove the numbers on your income tax return. If you can’t, the IRS auditor will pick […]

  • When an internal fraud (one committed by employees) occurs at a company, the natural reaction is to assume that an investigation must be started immediately. After all, it is important to determine who was involved, exactly how the fraud was […]

  • Schemes that involve the skimming of money are very difficult to detect, investigate, and ultimately prove. These types of schemes are carried out before money is recorded in a company’s accounting system. Because of this “off-books” nature of the crime, […]