Everywhere you go, people are talking about cryptocurrency as an investment. From Bitcoin to Etherium to Dogecoin, there are a whole bunch of different cryptocurrencies that consumers can invest in. More people are starting to use cryptocurrency to pay for […]
Last week I wrote about the billionaire divorce I worked on, as the Bill and Melinda Gates divorce story made headlines. These cases are once-in-a-lifetime cases, although last year I had an opportunity to work on one again. But after […]
The divorce of Bill and Melinda Gates has everyone talking about what it’s like to be a billionaire getting a divorce. Safe to say, it’s complicated. This article in Forbes, For Richer and Richest:Inside The Billion-Dollar Marriages, Open Relationships And […]
Last year the American Bar Association published the second edition of my book “Lifestyle Analysis in Divorce Cases: Investigating Spending and Finding Hidden Income and Assets.” Here’s the video that was done for the first edition. It’s a great summary […]
A family lawyer asked if a loan received under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) will be considered income for purposes of the child support obligations of the business owner. The simple answer: Loans are not income. The business is not […]
Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were married in December 2018, and filed for divorce less than a year later. They had dated on and off for ten years before getting married, and the reasons for their split are in dispute. […]
Who gets rich in divorce? They say only the attorneys and experts. I’ve seen firsthand the high cost of divorce. I typically work on divorces for higher income individuals. They’ve got more complicated financial situations, and that’s my specialty. With […]
You’ve probably heard people talking on social media that January is “divorce month.” In other words, more divorces are filed in January than any other month. Is it true? MarketWatch says it is. But their evidence was only anecdotal. They […]
When child support or spousal support is calculated for a “normal” person, we often use a percentage of income. It’s simple. It’s often fair. And it’s a way to standardize things. When someone makes a ton of money, calculating support […]
Today is your chance to get a 40% discount off list price for the second edition of my book Lifestyle Analysis in Divorce Cases: Investigating Spending and Finding Hidden Income and Assets. The American Bar Association rarely discounts its books, […]