• When a divorce is pending, it is not uncommon for one of the parties to manipulate the finances. Tracy discusses some common items that can be manipulated such as salary, selling assets to related parties, and more.

  • Tracy Coenen talks about the lifestyle analysis in divorce cases: what it is, and the basic uses for it.

  • Forensic accountants and Certified Divorce Financial Analysts often use Quicken personal financial software to complete the lifestyle analysis in divorce cases. Unfortunately, Quicken is not the best option for accurately and thoroughly analyzing a couple’s finances before and during divorce. […]

  • In divorce cases, forensic accountants can use the “net worth method of proof” to calculate income. This is used to search for hidden or unreported income. Rather than simply taking a spouse’s word for it that his or her income […]

  • Closely-held businesses often create problems in divorces, as they need to be valued for the property division and the income needs to be evaluated for support purposes. It can be difficult to examine the income of a business that transacts […]

  • When the Internal Revenue Services suspects that a taxpayer has unreported income, the agents can use one of several methods to uncover that income. These methods can also be used to help calculate hidden income in a divorce or child […]

  • Divorcing spouses who own one or more businesses need a detailed financial analysis in order to properly evaluate these interests. A Business Lifestyle Analysis may be performed to determine the true income of the company and find out where the […]

  • After completing a lifestyle analysis for a divorce case, a written report is often requested. In the below video, Tracy describes the information she puts in her written reports, which often includes things like background information, documents utilized, important estimates, […]

  • When a party to a divorce or child support case is believed to be hiding income or assets, one way uncover proof of it is through a lifestyle analysis. Such an analysis is not only helpful in establishing the true […]

  • When a divorce or a child support issue is looming, it’s amazing how a quickly a closely held business starts “losing money.” I use quotes because such a situation is so predictable. One party wants to protect her or his […]