Income tax returns are an important piece of financial information in a divorce or child support case. There is so much information that can be obtained from the tax returns, and if we have several years of data, we can […]
What do you do when a spouse will not accurately disclose income during a divorce? One option is to analyze the bank statements. Tracy explains how this is done.
While it is common for one spouse to have control over the money in a marriage—be the major breadwinner, manage spending, and maintain control of financial documentation—family lawyers and their clients can increase the chances of finding hidden assets during […]
In this video, Tracy Coenen explains the purpose and process behind doing a lifestyle analysis in a divorce case. There are three main reasons why a lifestyle analysis may be done: To determine the amount of money needed to continue […]
You know a divorce is in your future, and you owe it to yourself (and your children, if you have them) to protect yourself financially. Money isn’t everything, but it is very important when you consider your future apart from […]
Experienced family lawyers are familiar with the common ways spouses attempt to commit financial fraud in divorce: hiding or undervaluing assets, overstating debts, concealing income, and inflating or fabricating expenses. All of these are done in an attempt to get […]
When doing a lifestyle analysis for a divorce or child support case and evaluating historical spending, we sometimes run into unusual expenses that may be considered one-time (or non-recurring). What do we do with these? Expenses that are not expected […]
Tracy Coenen discusses the early stages of a financial investigation related to a divorce. When couples are divorcing, it is not unusual for a business to appear to decline. Tracy talks about the types of things she looks at to […]
How can income be calculated in a divorce case when a spouse refuses to produce documentation or is suspected of concealing sources of income? One way is through the Net Worth Method of Proof, which is used to analyze income […]
Tracy Coenen recently appeared LIVE on NBC News Daily, talking about prenups, red flags of fraud, and protecting yourself financially if you divorce.