In divorce and child support matters, participants make claims about their income, but the documents often show something different. Memphis divorce lawyer Miles Mason explains the difference between claimed income and documented income.
Tracy Coenen and Miles Mason talk about some of the financial documents that should be requested during discovery in a divorce case: some of them are obvious, while others are not. Check out this video to find out the more […]
What sources of income are commonly included when calculating spousal support in a divorce case? While the specifics vary by jurisdiction, in general the courts will commonly consider: wages, investment income, business income, rental income, and royalties. Tracy talks in […]
A financial expert’s assistance with the discovery process can be invaluable to the family law attorney. By virtue of the expert’s familiarity with personal and business financial documents, the financial expert can play an important role in the discovery process. […]
Bank statements can be invaluable in evaluating an individual’s income for divorce and child support cases. They can help evaluate the person’s income, but an analysis of the expenditures is important too. Tracy Coenen talks about some of the specific […]
Serving as a forensic accounting expert in a family law case begins with setting the stage for the work to be performed for the attorney. One of the most important steps is developing the scope of the engagement. There are […]
When one or both spouses have an ownership interest in a business, it is critical to get both income tax returns and financial statements for the entity. It is impossible to fairly evaluate the business and the income from it […]
Determining the income of the parties to a divorce or child custody case is critical, as it affects spousal support and child support. It may also affect the division of assets, particularly if there are income-producing assets to be divided. […]
The financial effects of divorce are far reaching. In a one-income household, it’s often even worse. It’s bad enough that one income now has to support two separate households, at least for a period of time. The non-moneyed spouse (the […]
Everyone knows about the typical sources of financial information in divorces. Income tax returns, bank statements and related documents, brokerage statements, credit card statements, and business financial statements are some of the most common. There are alternative sources of financial […]