Karen Herzog, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel When a former Milwaukee Area Technical College employee used her MATC credit card to pay for a car, a wedding trip, computers, home furnishings and other personal items totaling $259,000, the purchases went undetected until […]
Today the Wall Street Journal had a piece about the Texas Supreme Court considering whether to allow people to use fill-in-the-blank forms for divorces, potentially saving them a lot of money in legal fees. It is possible to handle your […]
Recently, my very smart friend and colleague Randy Kessler, Esq. participated in a podcast called Show Me the Money: Helping Clients Find and Protect Assets in a Divorce for the American Bar Association Journal. The podcast focused on finding (and […]
How to determine the right mix of expertise for a fraud investigation. By Tracy Coenen, Contributor to CFO.com It’s every CFO’s worst nightmare: despite your best efforts, your company’s compliance program has failed. There are credible reports of fraud and […]
The steps to take when an employee comes forward with a fraud tip, whether the allegations are false or not. By Tracy Coenen, Contributor to CFO.com You think your company has a robust compliance program to prevent financial-statement fraud, asset […]
The steps to take when an employee compes forward with a fraud tip, whether the allegations are false or not. Tracy L. Coenen – CFO Magazine You think your company has a robust compliance program to prevent financial-statement fraud, asset […]
The path from Marquette undergraduate to forensic accounting expert was an unexpected one for Tracy Coenen. But she hadn’t counted on a chance semester of Financial Criminal Investigations and the impression left by her professor, a former IRS special agent. […]
The big buzz this week is an article in Rolling Stone regarding the SEC’s policy of destroying documents related to Matters Under Investigation (MUIs) which do not result in any agency action being taken. At first blush, it may appear […]
Earlier this week,i-Sight Investigation Software posted an article based on an interview with me, Stop Fraud at the Door Before it Enters your Organization. Making a bad hiring decision is sometimes only a minor inconvenience and a waste of time, […]