Yesterday i-Sight Investigation Software posted an article based on an interview with me, Walk the Walk: Preventing Workplace Fraud Starts at the Top. When it comes to workplace fraud prevention, actions sometimes speak louder than words. This is one of […]
Yesterday Reuters Insider published a video of an interview with Sam Antar, former CFO of fraudulent Crazy Eddie, talking about the efforts of the FBI to profile white collar criminals. The starting point for the interview was this article about […]
When under scrutiny for potential Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations, how does a company prove that it was doing the right thing? The memories of your employees, along with their narratives of what happened will not be persuasive. Sure, interviewing […]
The Unsecured Creditors Committee in the bankruptcy filing of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has filed a petition with the court to authorize the hiring of Berkeley Research Group LLC, a forensic accounting firm with bankruptcy expertise, to examine the financial […]
Cary Spivak – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Forensic accountant Tracy Coenen has been dismissed from a $270 million defamation lawsuit filed against her, convicted fraudster Barry Minkow and others. Coenen hails her victory on her Fraud Files blog. Minkow, you may […]
More than a year ago, Medifast Inc. (NYSE:MED) sued me, my company Sequence Inc, Barry Minkow, his company Fraud Discovery Institute, Robert FitzPatrick, William Lobdell, and an anonymous message board poster for defamation. Barry Minkow and FDI initiated an investigation […]
In February, I wrote about China MediaExpress Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:CCME) and several fraud allegations that had surfaced via researchers at Muddy Waters and Citron Research. After looking at the allegations and the support (or lack thereof), my conclusion was that […]
Cary Spivak – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Ex-con Barry Minkow who in recent years billed himself as a fraud buster may be heading back to prison. Minkow was charged with conspiracy today. Earlier the Wall Street Journal reported the one-time teenage […]
UPDATE: In March 2011, CFO Jacky Lam of China Media Express and the auditors (Deloitte) resigned. Deloitte said they could no longer rely on the representations of management, and they suggested an investigation was in order. Ping Luo, the analyst […]
Earlier this week, Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS) announced in its 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010 that it is the subject of an FCPA investigation: On February 9, 2011, LVSC received a subpoena from the Securities and Exchange Commission […]