• When a divorce or a child support issue is looming, it’s amazing how a quickly a closely held business starts “losing money.” I use quotes because such a situation is so predictable. One party wants to protect her or his […]

  • Lots of people have concerns about their finances when they’re getting divorced. If you weren’t actively involved in managing your family’s finances, you might be suspicious about how the money was spent or whether there are any hidden bank accounts […]

  • When a business owner or executive encounters proof of a fraud-in-progress, a natural reaction is often to immediately begin investigating. After all, someone has to get to the bottom of the situation. Yet that’s not usually the best way to […]

  • In an ordinary lifestyle analysis, the divorce financial analyst extracts all of the transactions from bank, brokerage and credit card statements, categorizes them and calculates totals for each category for the period under analysis. This is an important exercise to […]

  • An investigative policy is an important tool to help manage the process of initiating a corporate fraud investigation. Doing so will help bring uniformity to the evaluation of fraud allegations, and it will help guide management through the decision making […]

  • Employees in positions of power have greater opportunities to commit and conceal financial statement fraud. Tracy explains how and why this is the case in the video below.

  • How should your accounting records be provided to your forensic accountant? Tracy talks about how she wants to receive the general ledger and related data. (Hint: Digital is preferred over paper.)

  • Cases with high volumes of bank data, such as money laundering, high net worth divorce, securities fraud, Ponzi schemes, tax fraud, and white collar crime, present special challenges for forensic accountants. High volumes of financial data can be overwhelming. How […]

  • Hidden assets can impact both the property division and the award of support payments. Assets hidden by one spouse deprive the other spouse of a share of them. If the hidden assets include income-producing assets such as a business venture […]

  • Divorce and child support cases often are highlighted by disputes over money. One party may be accused of artificially depressing earnings, hiding assets or manipulating the finances to lower the financial obligation to another party. Understanding the complete picture of […]