The internet is an important source of information in financial investigations. It has become so important, that I wonder what I ever did without access to all of this information! Even though my work is focused on digging into the […]
How prevalent is financial statement fraud in public companies? In this video, Tracy Coenen talks about the most recent COSO report on fraudulent financial reporting at U.S. public companies. The most common financial statement fraud that companies engaged in was […]
I would like to think that most companies are committed to doing business honestly. They try to do the right thing, and when a problem is found, they try to correct it quickly. Even when a scandal is looming, I […]
Bank statements can be incredibly useful when searching for hidden income during a divorce financial analysis. Both deposits and expenditures should be evaluated, and the process is explained in this video.
David Bagley v. Ryan Gajevic and The Tap Room, LLC Milwaukee County, Wisconsin 21-CV-4368 Wisconsin Circuit Court Access: Case Filed 7/23/21 Summons and Complaint Case Dismissed 5/26/23 after settlement Case History From the complaint: Upon information and belief, Bagley […]
The financial part of a complex case can become overwhelming quickly. Particularly in cases involving white collar crime, securities fraud, Ponzi schemes, or other fraud recoveries, the trail of financial documentation is often very long. A forensic accountant needs to […]
Tracy walks through the process of calculating a business interruption insurance claim, also called a business income loss. When a company is unable to operate for a period of time due to a covered loss (a fire, for example), its […]
If you want to learn how to do fraud investigations from a forensic accountant what has over 25 years of experience in the field… here’s your chance! This course is for: Accountants who want to begin doing financial investigations Investigators […]
I wrote an article on these five myths about fraud a really long time ago. And really, nothing has changed. I’ve updated some of the facts and figures, but the concepts remain the same so I’m publishing the article again. […]
I did a divorce investigation several years ago that I like to call the Instagram Investigation. The husband was accused of marital waste (dissipation), as he was spending lots of money on his new girlfriend while his divorce was pending. […]