Family law cases involving complex financial issues often require the assistance of a financial expert for the following issues: Preparing a financial disclosure, including creating a marital balance sheet Comparing balance sheets from period-to-period to evaluate changes in assets and […]
It’s time pre-order the most valuable fraud investigation and forensic accounting book you will ever read. I had the privilege of previewing Leah Wietholter’s book Data Sleuth: Using Data in Forensic Accounting Engagements and Fraud Investigations. She has knocked this […]
Tracy talks about calculating damages for wage losses. These situations may include wrongful termination, wrongful death, or time lost from work due to an accident. She gives a helpful list of the types of damages that might be included.
In October 2017, Tracy Coenen appeared in Milwaukee Magazine’s Faces of Milwaukee feature. What a fun piece to revisit! When you need to find lost or hidden money, forensic accountant Tracy Coenen is the detective you want on your side. […]
Firms of all sizes are interested in expanding their practices to include forensic accounting and fraud investigation. Experts agree: This practice area is growing and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Yet adding forensic accounting to a firm’s […]
Yesterday I appeared on Mark Goldman’s “Where Accountants Go” podcast. Mark owns MGR Accounting Recruiters, a company that matches employers with job seekers in the accounting and finance arena. We spent 30 minutes talking about my work as a forensic […]
Hear the story of my dream of being a prison warden… that got derailed when I discovered financial investigations. And now I spend my days finding money as a forensic accountant! Listen to me on The 1958 Lawyer Podcast with […]
Coming up on Monday, October 19: How-To Guide to Fraud Investigations course at CPA Crossings. This is a 2 hour online course, and is the third in a 4 part series on conducting #fraud investigations. This is your chance to […]
Coming up on Thursday Oct. 15: Starting a Fraud Investigation course at CPA Crossings. This is a 2 hour online course. It is the second in a 4 part series on conducting fraud investigations, but don’t worry… the 4 courses […]
This Thursday Sept. 3: Becoming a Fraud Investigator course at CPA Crossings. This is a 2 hour online course, and is the first in a 4 part series on conducting fraud investigations. It is jam packed with forensic accounting information, […]