• My biggest criticism of the courses on fraud investigation at the college level or in the continuing education space are that they are not practical. They all focus on theory and teaching about different types of fraud schemes. But who […]

  • A comment on an old article here inspired me to resurrect the topic today. Do former law enforcement officers make better forensic accountants? I think that having “former law enforcement” in your LinkedIn profile lends some credibility to the forensic […]

  • From the Faces of Milwaukee 2018 special feature in Milwaukee Magazine: It wasn’t an accident that Tracy Coenen became a forensic accountant. She always had an interest in the criminal justice system, with an eye toward becoming a prison warden. […]

  • I spend lots of time telling people what I do in my role as a forensic accountant. Put simply, I do fraud investigations (often for the victim, but sometimes the accused hires me), divorce financial analysis, and damages calculations for […]

  • I was delighted to be a part of the cover story for the fall issue of the Wisconsin Institute of CPAs (WICPA) magazine CPA2b. The article, Focus on Fraud, profiled the Justice for Fraud Victims Program at Marquette University. The […]

  • The internet offers infinite space in which to carve out a piece of blogger stardom. INSIGHT – The Magazine of the Illinois CPA Society – November/December 2010 By Christine Bockelman When CPA and financial fraud expert Tracy Coenen started her […]

  • Nearly a year after she was arrested, Sue Sachdeva will be sentenced for stealing $34 million from the Koss Corporation.Sachdeva, a former executive at Koss, will be sentenced in federal court Thursday.

  • American Journalism Review By Cary Spivak Two Web sites that investigate business fraud are funded by short selling—placing market bets that the stock of companies they write about will go down. It’s an approach that makes journalism ethicists very uncomfortable. […]

  • Millions of dollars are missing from a Milwaukee company, and an employee is charged with stealing a staggering sum of money. How deep the fraud goes is something investigators are still deciphering. FOX6 gives you a look at how they […]

  • College of Business Administration and Graduate School of Management Entrepreneurial Award Tracy L. Coenen, Arts ’93, Grad ’96 Tracy Coenen may not know where the bodies are buried, but she knows how to follow the numbers. When it comes to […]