• There are many different types of welfare. There are straight-up handouts to those who haven’t earned them. There are programs to bridge a gap and help a family in dire need. There are things like unemployment, which people somewhat earn […]

  • You don’t have to look far for examples of the ineptitude of the American Government. They waste billions and billions of dollars each year, but somehow, we’re supposed to believe they’ll do better with health care? Hardly. It’s not even […]

  • Timothy Sykes is a fantastically successful blogger, penny stock trader, and educator. He makes a living by teaching people how to recognize “pump and dump” schemes by penny stock promoters… and then short those stocks for a profit. They make […]

  • One type of case I really enjoy working is suspected arson. On either a personal or business level, an insurance company may be looking for a motive when arson is supsected. A difficult financial situation is one obvious motive for […]

  • Back in the day, a government-run delivery service was a good idea. It put some quality controls in place and made the service more reliable. People could actually count on their letters getting to their final destination. But in this […]

  • I’ve been ranting publicly and privately for the last week about Facebook’s new “privacy” options that went into effect last week. I put privacy in quotes because the way things were set up, many Facebook users had information out in […]

  • I could literally spend all day blogging about scams on consumers. And the consumers don’t even have to be gullible. There are plenty of scams that look completely legitimate from the outside, and it’s not until you’re involved with them […]

  • The end of the year is fast approaching, and its’ a good time to remind everyone of a few basic things they ought to do before December 31. I appeared last year on CNBC’s On the Money to talk about […]

  • It’s interesting to note that TheStreet.com (NASDAQ:TSCM) is apparently having trouble keeping its books, especially since Jim Cramer is one who loves to rant about companies with shoddy bookkeeping. It’s troubling, of course, because Cramer suggests that you should sell […]

  • I wrote last week about my opinion of the fraud that is our federal government’s stimulus programs. Our government has a vested interest in making us think these programs are successful. How else can an agenda of “wealth redistribution” and […]