On Friday, October 7, nationally-recognized fraud expert Tracy Coenen will share her insights with high school educators from around Wisconsin. The High School Educators Accounting Symposium is presented for business teachers and guidance counselors. Teachers will be given ideas to […]
The Business Journal of Milwaukee TRACY COENEN, 2002 Women of Influence Awards Sequence Inc’s phenomenal growth in 2002 has been followed by triple-digit growth in 2003. As more attorneys become keenly aware of the value added by a forensic accounting […]
Small Business Times The Small Business Times interviews forensic accountant and fraud investigator Tracy Coenen about her firm, Sequence Inc. Industry: Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination Number of employees: 1 forensic accountant, 2 part-time clerical Education: Honors Bachelor of Arts […]
Business Journal of Milwaukee On Tuesday, April 27, 2004, resident fraud expert Tracy Coenen will share her insights with Corporate Casual, a business development group for accountants, attorneys, and bankers. The focus of the presentation will be on detecting fraud, […]
The Business Journal of Milwaukee TRACY COENEN, 2002 Women of Influence Awards As the demand or forensic accounting services grows, so does Tracy Coenen’s firm Sequence Inc. The latest developments include a new office in downtown Chicago, and the addition […]
The Business Journal of Milwaukee By Becca Mader Owners of new businesses in the Milwaukee area who are navigating their growing pains can access ideas through a new group. Emerging Entrepreneurs, a professional development group, will hold a kickoff event […]
Small Business Times By Heather Stur Networking events tend to be either happy hour gatherings or continuing education opportunities. But there is at least one group in Milwaukee’s business community that provides the best of both worlds. Corporate Casual is […]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel By Stan Miller Sometimes, technology privacy and security are so important that you bring in a hired gun to make sure you are adequately protected against the forces of evil on the Internet and beyond. Ben Sherwood, […]
The Business Journal By Marci Pelzer White-collar crooks, beware. Sequence Inc., Tracy Coenen’s nearly 3-year-old forensic accounting business, has grown 300 percent in 2002. It’s as if she looked into a crystal ball and saw the fates of Enron, Tyco […]
The evening newscast featured Tracy Coenen giving her expert opinion on occupational fraud and abuse. A fraud committed by an employee of restaurateur Johnny Vassallo prompted the story, to raise awareness of the issue. [jwplayer config=”myplayer” file=”http://www.sequenceinc.com/videos/workplacefraud.flv” image=”http://www.sequenceinc.com/images/videos/workplacevid.jpg”] Text Version: […]