Hundreds of thousands of Americans get sucked into Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies each year. From Mary Kay to Amway to Herbalife to Avon, the list is seemingly endless. Each offers its own special spin on the products it sells, but […]
Multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) like to refer to themselves as “Direct Sales” companies, because this puts the focus on the sale of the product or service, and takes focus off the business of recruiting. I’ve been researching MLMs for more […]
Tracy Coenen explains exactly what a Ponzi scheme is: an investment scheme in which the promoter takes money from “investors” and promises to invest it. There is little to no real investment, and when it comes time to pay “returns” […]
Defenders of multi-level marketing (MLM) are often heard saying that it’s a legitimate business method! Even government regulators say MLM is legitimate. And it is true that state and federal governments in the United States generally allow multi-level marketing companies […]
In this one minute video, Tracy explains how Ponzi schemes work. They are also called pyramid schemes because the constant recruitment of new “investors” creates the shape of a pyramid, with many new investors required at the bottom of the […]
One of the common defenses of multi-level marketing is that it is a legitimate business method that has been around for a long time. I’ve also been told that if it was illegal, it would have been shut down. Some […]
Farmasi was founded in 1950 and currently sells internationally. The company focuses on skin care and makeup products, but also has hair care, nutrition, and home care products. Farmasi Income Statement Disclosure 2020 Farmasi Income Statement Disclosure 2021 Farmasi Income […]
Colorstreet started in 2017 to offer “dry nail polish strips” as an alternative to fingernail polish. The nail strips are stickers that are applied to fingernails, with the excess length removed with a a nail file. The company later added […]
Beautycounter was founded in 2013 with a line of 9 skin care and cosmetic products. The products are sold using the multi-level marketing model, but are also available at retailers such as Ulta, and formerly at Sephora. Beautycounter Commissions Overview […]
Do you think it’s only the “bad” people who do bad things in multi-level marketing? Those who frontload new recruits, dial for dollars at the end of the month (i.e. get people to order products they don’t need), talk only […]