Tracy Coenen appeared on CNBC’s “On the Money” to give her expert opinion on the Alternative Minimum Tax provision in the “bailout bill.”
I can’t say I’m shocked. Disgusted, of course. But not shocked. Hazel J. Washington, two-time felon, had her Wisconsin law license reinstated by a June 20, 2008 order of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. The most hilarious part of their […]
I wrote a couple of posts on some common IRS audit red flags shortly after tax season ended and never finished the list. So here are a few more items that might cause the IRS to want to look at […]
This comment was left on WalletPop, AOL’s personal finance blog. He was responding to a thread on hidden taxes and an ongoing discussion there. Our current tax system is so complex that many of the taxes we pay are in […]
I wrote this one for WalletPop as tax season was wrapping up, but I liked it so much that I’m reprinting it here! The agony of doing taxes is just about over for another year. I have only five tax […]
For all those waiting until the last minute to do their taxes…
It seems that those who think taxes aren’t high enough are always pushing for increases… so long as the increases are for someone else. Did you know that half of American households pay no income tax? And those are the […]
Scared of being audited by the Internal Revenue Service or your state taxing authority? That’s what they want! They hope the fear of an audit will keep you honest. And although the average taxpayer has a very low chance of […]
As tax day nears…. taxpayers around the country are in a panic. Some because they’re not ready for April 15. Others because they’re deathly afraid of being audited. Here are some common audit red flags to ponder. The IRS purposely […]
Ever met anyone who thought he didn’t have to pay income taxes? Maybe he tried to argue taxes are unconstitutional and there are legitimate ways to avoid paying them. Don’t believe it. Wesley Snipes believed it, and found himself in […]