• Are you a testifying expert or a consulting expert in a litigation matter? Is there a difference in how you should maintain your file based on your designation? Tracy Coenen gives her advice.

  • Attorney Miles Mason talks about the characteristics he looks for in a potential expert witness, including qualifications, ability to explain concepts, and demeanor.

  • In this one minute video, Tracy explains how Ponzi schemes work. They are also called pyramid schemes because the constant recruitment of new “investors” creates the shape of a pyramid, with many new investors required at the bottom of the […]

  • Tracy walks through the process of calculating a business interruption insurance claim, also called a business income loss. When a company is unable to operate for a period of time due to a covered loss (a fire, for example), its […]

  • When a divorce involves a business, we often ask for a copy of the general ledger, which is part of the company’s accounting records. The general ledger includes the details of transactions for a specified period of time. What can […]

  • The skills of a forensic accountant can be useful in bankruptcy cases. In this video, Tracy talks about a case in which she was retained by a creditor to examine the finances of the debtor. There were allegations that the […]

  • Tracy talks with Miles Mason, JD, CPA about some of the common financial lies told by spouses during divorce.

  • A question often comes up relative to the lifestyle analysis in divorce cases: Isn’t is just data entry that anyone could do? Why do I need a forensic accounting expert? As I explain below, the lifestyle analysis is NOT just […]

  • What kind of work can a forensic accountant do in divorce cases? Tracy Coenen talks about the work of a CPA, including calculating income, evaluating financial disclosures, valuing assets, and completing a lifestyle analysis.

  • If you suspect fraud during your marriage or divorce, you may want a forensic accountant to do a lifestyle analysis. Tracy gives a list of documents that are typically used for the lifestyle analysis, and explains briefly what she does […]