• In a past appearance on CNBC’s On the Money, Tracy Coenen talked about how consumers could protect themselves from business opportunity scams and multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes. MLMs parade themselves around as business opportunities, but they are nothing more than […]

  • Tracy Coenen discusses the early stages of a financial investigation related to a divorce. When couples are divorcing, it is not unusual for a business to appear to decline. Tracy talks about the types of things she looks at to […]

  • Tracy Coenen recently appeared LIVE on NBC News Daily, talking about prenups, red flags of fraud, and protecting yourself financially if you divorce.

  • In divorce and child support matters, participants make claims about their income, but the documents often show something different. Memphis divorce lawyer Miles Mason explains the difference between claimed income and documented income.

  • The notes to financial statements are often lengthy and boring. But they can provide very important information about a company.  On the most basic level, they provide details behind the company’s numbers. But they can also provide clues to fraud […]

  • Tracy Coenen and Miles Mason talk about some of the financial documents that should be requested during discovery in a divorce case: some of them are obvious, while others are not. Check out this video to find out the more […]

  • This video is a little longer than usual. Tracy Coenen talks about the reasons why traditional financial statement audits don’t find fraud. It is very rare for fraud to be uncovered during the year-end audit, but stakeholders often rely on […]

  • A while back we talked about behavioral red flags of fraud, which are the signs that someone might be involved in a fraud at work. Some of the most common red flags are living a lifestyle that exceeds a person’s […]

  • What sources of income are commonly included when calculating spousal support in a divorce case? While the specifics vary by jurisdiction, in general the courts will commonly consider: wages, investment income, business income, rental income, and royalties. Tracy talks in […]

  • Bank statements can be invaluable in evaluating an individual’s income for divorce and child support cases. They can help evaluate the person’s income, but an analysis of the expenditures is important too. Tracy Coenen talks about some of the specific […]