Both civil and criminal cases often involve an element of proving or disproving income of an individual or business. It is not unusual for a divorce case to include allegations of hidden income or assets. In contract disputes alleging the […]
My idea of a good time: Digging through boxes of documents for hours on end, looking for that smoking gun that proves an employee was stealing from a business. An attorney’s idea of a good time: Going to court with […]
The most interesting cases I work are criminal cases for defendants accused of financial crimes such as money laundering, tax fraud, bribery and corruption, embezzlement, and investment fraud. I do my best work as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator […]
A forensic accountant may be needed in a case alleging securities fraud. In the video below, Tracy discusses some of the particular issues that the accountant may evaluate and how to find the right expert for your case.
White collar crime cases tend to focus on the flow of money. Government investigators analyze the finances of a company or individual to determine where money came from and where it went. It is this trail of money that leads […]
Money laundering is fun to talk about. It just sounds cool to begin with. And the whole process is fascinating to me. It is important to know that money laundering is not a fraud scheme. It is a crime that […]
Last week Thursday, 19 people were charged in federal court with defrauding the National Basketball Association Players’ Health and Welfare Benefit Plan of almost $4 million. The charges are conspiracy to commit health care fraud and wire fraud. One defendant, […]
I had to write about this IRS special agent because his fraud story is so wild. Bryan Cho (aka Yong Hee Cho) was a Special Agent in the IRS Criminal Investigation Division since 2008. And now he’s been charged with […]
This morning Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) was charged criminally for paying bribes to Chinese officials. The action is related to criminal liability under FCPA (U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act). The company disclosed in an SEC filing today: Herbalife violated the books […]
If you try to research fraud by millennials (those born between 1980 and 1994, currently 26-40 years old, also referred to as Gen Y), most everything you find will be about them being victims of fraud. It appears that millennials […]