I was recently quoted in CFO Magazine for an article on creating an ethical culture within companies. Below are a few excerpts, including my comments. In December, the federal government cited a “lax corporate control environment” at Alcatel, which extended […]
Doris Hajewski – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel A year and a half after the embezzlement of $34 million from Koss Corp. was discovered, former accounting employee Julie Mulvaney is negotiating with the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle the regulatory agency’s […]
United States Attorney’s Office Southern District of Florida July 21, 2011 Press Release Wifredo A. Ferrer, United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, and John V. Gillies, Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Miami Field […]
Earlier this week,i-Sight Investigation Software posted an article based on an interview with me, Stop Fraud at the Door Before it Enters your Organization. Making a bad hiring decision is sometimes only a minor inconvenience and a waste of time, […]
Yesterday Reuters Insider published a video of an interview with Sam Antar, former CFO of fraudulent Crazy Eddie, talking about the efforts of the FBI to profile white collar criminals. The starting point for the interview was this article about […]
Cary Spivak – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Ex-con Barry Minkow who in recent years billed himself as a fraud buster may be heading back to prison. Minkow was charged with conspiracy today. Earlier the Wall Street Journal reported the one-time teenage […]
I read a very interesting article yesterday on NYTimes.com, by John Kinnucan of Broadband Research. The FBI “invited” him to wear a wire and essentially entrap clients. He said no, and he told his clients about the FBI’s request. Of […]
There has been lots of chatter about the whistleblower provisions under Dodd-Frank. A whistleblower can earn 10% to 30% of any penalty the federal government imposes against a company. And companies have to be very careful, because there are anti-retaliation […]
Thomas Huddleston Jr. – Corporate Counsel at Law.com A lesson for would-be criminal masterminds: When looking for victims to scam, try someone other than the U.S. government. A group of Kenyan nationals learned that the hard way Aug. 19 when […]
UPDATE: On February 17, 2010, Medifast Inc. filed suit in US District Court, Southern District of California, alleging defamation, violation of California Corporations Code, and unfair business practices. On March 29, 2011, Judge Janis Sammartino dismissed all of Medifast’s claims […]