My article, Financial Statement Fraud in the Katrina Aftermath: A Whirlwind of Opportunities, was quoted on page 278 of the book Scientific Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases. That’s kind of cool, especially since I don’t think that’s ever happened […]
Last week on WalletPop, I was blogging about… Can you get rich by blogging? – You can make money blogging, but the big bucks are reserved for group blogs run as businesses. Condo market questionable for the near future – […]
I just got the “Ad Review Center” option on my Google AdSense account, and I decided to give it a whirl. I have Google ads on two sites: this one, and Pink Truth (my public awareness campaign against Mary Kay […]
Barb Bartlein is known nationally as “The People Pro“… offering advice and strategic assistance in dealing with people issues. She assists clients with management training, professional mentoring, and employee management issues. She’s a nationally syndicated columnist for The Business Journal, […]
Michael Good at Goode Value Investing did a review of my book Essentials of Corporate Fraud, but I didn’t realize it until tonight! I admit it – I want everyone to love my book. But everyone won’t. Michael is a […]
The Whitewater, Wisconsin police chief James Coan has sent two police detectives on a mission. They (and several other city employees, including the director of public works, the information technology officer, and the city clerk) are to spend their paid […]
Are you interested in blogging to help you grow your client base and promote the online presence of your business? So are lots of people! But the key to actually achieving these goals is doing it right. Blogging is part […]
From the AOL Small Business welcome screen: The actual post is on WalletPop today – When employees steal: Five reasons your business could be vulnerable to fraud. And the post links to my book, Essentials of Corporate Fraud. There are […]
My book, Essentials of Corporate Fraud, is currently the number one book in the Auditing category on It’s been floating between number one and number ten all week long. Amazon updates the statistics hourly, so even one book purchase […]
Have you been writing your book for what seems like ages? Some writers get caught in the trap of revising, revising, revising… that they never actually finish the book. Or they just put it off so long that they never […]