Marc J. Randazza is a truly amazing First Amendment Attorney. His firm, Randazza Legal Group is based in Las Vegas, but they handle cases across the country. It is impossible to appreciate how brilliant Marc is unless you have actually […]
Are you seeking a female forensic accountant or fraud investigator to be an expert witness in your case? Do you think a woman on the team might be helpful if your case goes to a jury trial? Are you looking […]
The path from Marquette undergraduate to forensic accounting expert was an unexpected one for Tracy Coenen. But she hadn’t counted on a chance semester of Financial Criminal Investigations and the impression left by her professor, a former IRS special agent. […]
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about my experience with Twitter, encouraging lawyers, accountants, and auditors to abandon the tool unless they had seen any specific business-related return on their time investment. Of course, for those who […]
Yes, I’m quitting Twitter. After 2.5 years, 2,154 followers, and 2,917 tweets, I have officially called it quits on Twitter. And I believe other professional services firms – – accountants, auditors, lawyers, engineers, etc. – – should do the same. […]
Social Media Strategies for Professionals and Their Firms By Michelle Golden Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2010 (hardcover, 348 pages, $45) Reviewed by Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, CFF There are many books on the market about social media marketing and […]
Last weekend I took part in an amazing celebration at my alma mater, Marquette University. I was honored with the Entrepreneurial Award from the College of Business Administration. I am grateful to my family for making that education possible for […]
A couple of weeks ago I had an email exchange that exemplified why solo practitioners like myself should not “partner” with larger firms on projects. There is no “partnering” about it. The bottom line is their bottom line, and their […]
Here’s the list of news stories related to the fraud by Koss VP of Finance Sue Sachdeva which I’ve written or been quoted in: Accountants cite lessons learned in Koss scandal Koss Corp: Anatomy of an Alleged $31 Million Fraud […]
There’s a fine line between the First Amendment right to free speech and defamation, and this has become an increasingly larger problem online. What do you do if you’ve been careful with your reputation personally and professionally, but someone with […]