I’ve been writing quite a bit for WalletPop these days. I love that gig! One bright spot on the horizon for air travelers? – A new configuration for seats in coach that gives the illusion of much more room, and […]
As the Essentials of Corporate Fraud book tour rolls on, we’re back at #1 in the Auditing category on Amazon.com!
This afternoon I was cruising Amazon.com, and found my name in the acknowledgments of a book. I HAD NO IDEA! It is so touching to be thanked in this way, by someone who is both a business associate and a […]
A few weeks ago, I wrote about my experience with Google’s new Ad Review Center. This tool enables you to block advertisements from certain advertisers. When you use this feature, advertisers who want to bid on your ad space must […]
The Essentials of Corporate Fraud book tour is going full steam ahead. Next week I’ll be talking with a group of accountants, attorneys, and bankers in Milwaukee on How To Commit Fraud and Get Away With It… A look at […]
Today Alexa has announced that it has made big changes to the algorithm it uses to rank websites. I don’t know if this is good news, bad news, or simply neutral. Most people have known for a long time that […]
The product rankings on Amazon are of limited usefulness, basically because they’re updated every hour, and a sale of one or two books can bump you up far. My book, Essentials of Corporate Fraud, just jumped back up to #1 […]
Today the New York Times ran a story about people who died from blogging. Sort of. One technology blogger died recently of a heart attack, another tech blogger died of a massive coronary, and a third blogger had a heart […]
I’m currently writing my second book, and we’re working on the cover. The book is a guide to doing fraud investigations. This isn’t the final draft of the cover, but it’s pretty close. Feel free to leave your comments…
Cynthia Cooper was a true corporate whistleblower. She became famous, not by choice, but because of the WorldCom financial statement fraud valued at $11 billion. She was the Vice President of Internal Audit at WorldCom, a position that was not […]