• When a divorce involves a business, we often ask for a copy of the general ledger, which is part of the company’s accounting records. The general ledger includes the details of transactions for a specified period of time. What can […]

  • Income tax returns and supporting information such as W-2s and pay stubs are the most common and basic documents which evidence income in family law cases. This article discusses the sources of income that are disclosed on a personal income […]

  • There are four widely recognized methods of calculating income in family law cases. These four methods have been developed for use by the Internal Revenue Service in calculating unreported income in tax cases, and are the primary ways a lifestyle […]

  • The skills of a forensic accountant can be useful in bankruptcy cases. In this video, Tracy talks about a case in which she was retained by a creditor to examine the finances of the debtor. There were allegations that the […]

  • I receive many requests for information on the field of forensic accounting, including questions on courses of study, certification, job opportunities, and preparing for a career.  Here are a few quick tips: Establish a background in general business and finance/accounting. […]

  • How to terrify just about anyone: Tell them their taxes are being audited. Even worse: When their books and records are a mess. (Or maybe even non-existent.) Every number could be scrutinized. That means documentation must be produced to support […]