Send Out Cards was established as a multi-level marketing company in 2005, offering “personalized” greeting cards.  Although the company offers an “income opportunity,” 72% of distributors earned zero commissions in 2011.

If you have any income disclosure statements to add to the above, please send them to the email address on my Contact page.


  1. […] Send Out Cards Income Disclosures […]

  2. Robert Coyle 07/17/2017 at 12:14 pm - Reply

    The MLM industry offers solid, sound, exciting opportunity. The ONLY reason why so few . . . and I mean very Very VERY few earn a lot is poor TRAINING, NOT a lack of KNOWLEDGE which is EDUCATION . . . a lack of SKILLS which is TRAINING . . . as in PEOPLE SKILLS.

    At 77 years of age this fall, I plan to DO something about that. And by “do” I mean I plan to do Do DO!

    Sincerely, Robert L. (“Bob”) Coyle, an avid SendOutCards Marketing Distributor and very Very VERY proud of it!

  3. Tracy Coenen 07/17/2017 at 11:09 pm - Reply

    No, Bob. Most fail because MLM is designed for failure. It’s a pyramid scheme, and 99% of participants lose money.

  4. Robert Coyle 07/18/2017 at 12:53 am - Reply

    Tracy, the essence of your conclusion is based on the word, “pyramid.”

    Spend time learning from Attorney Kevin Thompson ( to help clear up your thinking.

    Gifted business minds respect facts, not pot shots.

  5. Tracy Coenen 07/18/2017 at 8:18 pm - Reply

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