Multi-level marketing companies are getting lots of attention lately thanks to the Bill Ackman smackdown of Herbalife in December. MLMs offering “nutrition products” are of special interest to consumers, and with good reason. Companies like Isagenix, MonaVie , Usana, Mannatech, […]
For some time now, we have been following the Jennifer McKinney bankruptcy trainwreck, in which Jennifer and her husband Israel McKinney were alleged to have falsified information and concealed assets. (In the world of forensic accounting, we call that fraud.) […]
We’ve been discussing here the case of Jennifer McKinney (aka MckMama) and Israel McKinney (dba Kieran’s Contracting) and their alleged fraud perpetrated on the bankruptcy court. Questions have been raised about the likelihood of the McKinneys facing criminal charges, despite […]
Jennifer McKinney (aka MckMama) and Israel McKinney appear to have settled all claims in their bankruptcy filing in which trustee Gene Doeling alleged fraud, saying: The Debtors have concealed, destroyed, mutilated, falsified, or failed to keep or preserve any recorded […]
If you’re not interested in the saga of the bankruptcy fraud allegedly committed by Jennifer McKinney (blogger “MckMama”) and her husband Israel, skip this article. In the latest turn of events, MckMama has claimed to have two serious car accidents […]
Great news out of the United States Bankruptcy Court in Minnesota, where Jennifer McKinney (blogger MckMama) and Israel McKinney filed for bankruptcy nearly a year ago. After trustee Gene Doeling ferreted out Jennifer’s financial shenanigans, he filed a complaint with […]
I’ve written previously about the bankruptcy of Jennifer “MckMama” McKinney and her husband Israel McKinney of Kieran’s Contracting. Jennifer was once a popular mommy blogger at and Until the United States Bankruptcy Court got her number and decided […]
Recently, watchers of the MckMama train wreck were treated to the news that blogger Jennifer McKinney has bought a home. This lovely home in West Salem, Wisconsin, was most recently on the market at $289,900. Jennifer “MckMama” McKinney bought the […]
There is little news to report in the bankruptcy case of Jennifer Sauls McKinney and Israel McKinney. In May, bankruptcy trustee Gene Doeling filed Case 12-06024, objecting to the discharge of the McKinney’s bankruptcy and alleging that the McKinneys made […]
Got fraud? If you find yourself being accused of a fraud on the bankruptcy court like Jennifer MckMama McKinney (i.e. falsified, misleading, destroying, manipulating, etc.), what can you do? If you could turn back the hands of time, I would […]